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Deprecated Higher-order components are not commonly used in modern React code, use Hooks instead


import withSignIn from 'react-auth-kit/higherOrderComponents/withSignIn';

Function Signature

withSignIn<T, P>(Component): React.FunctionComponent<P>

Type Parameters

Name Type Description
T T Type of User State Object
P extends withSignInProps<T> -


Name Type Description
Component ComponentType<P> React Class based Component

signInConfig Parameters

Name Type Descripntion Required
auth.token string JWT Auth Token true
auth.type string Type of the Token false
refresh string JWT Refresh Token true
userState T User Data false



React Higher Order Component with injected signIn prop

React HOC that injects the signIn function into the class-based component props.

Call the signIn function in the prop to sign In and authenticate the user

This will authenticate the user by writing the user state into the memory Also, this will call the RX engine to store the auth in the storage


Here is an example without the refresh token:

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
   auth: {
     token: '<jwt token>'
   userState: {name: 'React User', uid: 123456}
export default withSignIn(MyComponent);

Here is an example with a refresh token:

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
   auth: {
     token: '<jwt token>'
   userState: {name: 'React User', uid: 123456},
   refresh: <refresh jwt token>
export default withSignIn(MyComponent);


AuthError - Thrown if the Hook is used outside the Provider Scope.

Defined in


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